
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Malaysia’s Seven Types of Schools

in that respect argon hundreds, if not thousand of schools in this world. In Malaysia, we have sevener types of schools. They are Malay schools, Tamil schools, Chinese schools, foreign schools, mystical schools, and unearthly schools. at that place is tho one type of Malay schools and they are the Malay political sympathies schools. Malay schools are the most common types of schools in Malaysia. You erect find at least one Malay school in a town. Malay schools are divided into two. They are the Malay primitive schools and the Malay secondary schools.Malaysians start their primordial school education at the age of seven. They depart then be in standard 1 and they will stay until they are in standard 6, which is until they are 12 years old. The following year they will go to course of action 1 in the secondary school and they will sojourn hobovass in that location until they finish reverberate 5 so that they can go to either college or start work immediately or they can continue to form 6 so that they can go to university immediately on that pointafter. any student has to sit for the UPSR interrogatory when they are in standard 6, the PMR interrogative sentence when they are in form 3, the SPM examination when they are in form 5, and the STPM examination when they are in form 6. All the lessons in the primary and secondary schools are, with the censure of the side of meat lesson, are conducted in Malay. There is only one type of Tamil school in Malaysia and they are the government ones. Tamil schools are precise much kindred the Malay schools with the exception that all lessons except English and Malay are in Tamil.Their curriculum is a lot like the syllabus of the Malay schools. The only deviance is that they have to enter a Malay school when they go to form one. They ordinarily spend a year in a particular(prenominal) phratry after they finish the UPSR examination so that they can recognize with the high standard of Malay in the Malay school they will be going to. Then they will they will continue studying at the school like any other student. Chinese schools are very much like Tamil schools. All their lessons except English and Malay are in Chinese. Their syllabus is a lot like the syllabus of the Malay schools.However, they can choose to continue their education in a Chinese secondary school after they finish their UPSR examination or they can choose to go to a special class after the examination and then continue their education in a Malay secondary school. There are two types of international schools, the private ones that follow the British syllabus, and the government ones that follow the Malaysian syllabus. The private international schools can be mainly found in Kuala Lumpur whereas the government ones can be found in almost every state capital.An sheath of a private international school is the Alice Smith International indoctrinate in Kuala Lumpur and an example of government international schoo ls is the Sri Utama International School. Private schools are run totally by the school board with come in any serve from the government at all. If they have any problems, they have to overcome it themselves. They discombobulate no funding from the government so they have to get silver by whatever means they can. That is why the school fees are very expensive. Their syllabus is basically like the normal syllabus of the government schools. Las,t unless definitely not least, is the Islamic religious schools.Islamic students go there to learn about their religion and to learn how to speak and write Jawi. They normally study there for six years, but those who are really arouse can go to a secondary school that teaches mainly Islam. There they will also learn all the other subjects that normal students do. We should be happy that we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to a school to have an education. There are hundreds if not thousands of children out there who do not ha ve the opportunity to go to school. So my friends do not waste this opportunity. Use it while you can.

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