
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Air Traffic Controller

direct Traffic ascendancy attempt Air Traffic Controller is an occupation were you work with pi spreads and guide them safely from the time they push back to when they park at the gate. Being an Air Traffic Controller is a difficult stock, they have a bulky state which is to keep everyone safe in the skies. They are trusty for the safety, insularism and sequencing of aircraft. I was told that in the tower that this is a job where you have to be alert to all of the surroundings, weather and flys doing what they are supposed to be doing. This job is non bid some people order it is.Its not subdued this job takes a lot of chase aftering and a lot of patience with the indicator lamps. In ATC you have three positions the first is Clearance obstetrical delivery is when the flee exclaims the tower to request his clearance to their destination. The pilot calls clearance and hed say the type of aircraft they are flying, were his parked at and their destination. For recitation Vieques 892 requesting clearance to Boriquen and so the controller tells the pilot Vieques 892 you are cleared to Boriquen via the charge route and gives them an assigned transponder code. The Boriquen airdrome is the name for Aguadilla airport or in the aviation language BQN is the three letter identifier. In Luis Munoz Marin international airport the larger companies like Delta, JetBlue, United and others have a service they payment for. Its a third party compevery that gives them the clearance breeding in a short computer message that is sent to the aircraft when the pilot requests a clearance without ever having to talk to the clearance controller. After this happens the pilots adjoin country control. Ground control is one of the most difficult positions in this type of work.Ground control is the controller the pilot calls to ask for their clearance for pushback and taxi. The pilot does this Delta 422 requesting clearance to pushback and the gate number they are parked at, and then the controller tells the pilot Delta 422 cleared to push (the direction he is going) and to call when launch to taxi. Once they are call that they are ready the ground controller will issue instructions on how to situate to the runway. Ex Taxi to runway 10 via Hotel 6 right override on Hotel and hold short of runway 10.Also the controller has the office of sequencing aircraft correctly and all other movements in the FAA controlled areas. Also the controller is responsible for issuing taxi instructions to arriving aircraft as well. For example the pilot calls ground and says Delta 597on H9 Requesting taxi to the gate, The Ground Controller responds Delta 597 take N3 and right on to N to the assigned gate. Ground control is not an easy job and is not an easy position to train on, this position when you train on it could get a little difficult and busy.But is a puzzle out that every controller has to go through because an Air Traffic Controller has to work any of the assigned positions when they receive their certificate, and the next position is local jerk. Local Tower is when and a pilot calls and request clearance for landing or for takeoff. When they are going to takeoff they call the tower and say Delta 422 holding short of runway 10 ready for takeoff and then the controller working the tower position will tell the pilot if he is cleared to takeoff Delta 422 you are cleared for takeoff or the controller might say Delta 422 line up and wait.Then when the sheet is out and climbing the tower calls the aircraft and says Delta 422 contact departure. Tower has the responsibility of every airplane coming in and going out of the airport. Tower has the responsibility of all of the airplanes in their airspace and its their responsibility of any aircraft flying around or inside the controlled airspace. This line of work is not for everybody and the people that currently work them are sometimes stressed and tired.I like this profession because I en joy working with pilots and the aviation community as a whole. My favorite position is Tower, because I can work with airplanes. I like this position because at times it can get a busy and you have to be on top of everything that is going on. In conclusion all of the positions are good as long as you can do something you love and truly have passion for. The scarcely thing I have to say is I cant wait to work in ATC.

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