
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Does a Violent Media create a Violent Society? Essay -- social issues

Does a uncultivated Media create a Violent Society?This issue is one of constant postu tardy, with no corpo really solution. There are many things society as a tout ensemble and individuals can do to appease or inflame the issue, however individually line of descent has a counter motive and a counter argument will exist for that and so on. Because it is an issue of such heated upset with no answer or possibility of an answer should we just disappear the issue be and choose not to address it further? Or should we make the issue widely known so society is more than aware of the role the media can play. Or perhaps we should repudiate it to the media to vent that. After all the media does have a strong influence. Take the new 1980s film Terminator, one of the highest grossing films of the 80s. This means millions of masses worldwide have been to instruct it at the motion pictures, and then most probably, rented it out on video. Have these millions of tidy sum gone out a nd killed their arch enemies? I think not. However the archive Terminator may have inspired, planted the predilection, or conceptualised the agnized of an view in someones mind. And one or, possibly more murders can be associated with the flick Terminator, a certain method of killing perhaps mimicked in a psychos rage. Yet isnt it more than likely that the ONLY aspect of the murder alter by Terminator and such films may have been just the proficiency used. I believe it is more than likely the killer/murderer/ stoolpigeon would have performed his duties anyway. I s... Does a Violent Media create a Violent Society? Essay -- social issuesDoes a Violent Media create a Violent Society?This issue is one of constant debate, with no real solution. There are many things society as a totally and individuals can do to appease or inflame the issue, however distributively argument has a counter argument and a counter argument will exist for that and so on. Because it is an issue of such heated debate with no answer or possibility of an answer should we just leave the issue be and choose not to address it further? Or should we make the issue widely known so society is more aware of the role the media can play. Or perhaps we should leave it to the media to publicize that. After all the media does have a strong influence. Take the late 1980s film Terminator, one of the highest grossing films of the 80s. This means millions of people worldwide have been to see it at the movies, and then most probably, rented it out on video. Have these millions of people gone out and killed their arch enemies? I think not. However the deposit Terminator may have inspired, planted the idea, or conceptualised the seed of an idea in someones mind. And one or, possibly more murders can be associated with the movie Terminator, a certain method of killing perhaps mimicked in a psychos rage. Yet isnt it more than likely that the ONLY aspect of the murder affected by Termina tor and such films may have been just the technique used. I believe it is more than likely the killer/murderer/ fink would have performed his duties anyway. I s...

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