
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Sweeney and subsequent death Essay Example for Free

Sweeney and subsequent death Essay This makes the surprise at the end, that she is actually Todd’s wife, less astounding. We have seen so little of her that it really isn’t that important where as in the musical this surprise can elicit gasps. This woman is so changed that Sweeney Todd has interacted with her and not recognized his own wife! The two characters whose stories are closely presented as the musical are Senior Pirelli and Tobias. Pirelli’s barber competition with Sweeney and subsequent death by Sweeney is told in both the musical and movie. He is an important character as his past and killing set up the crucial plot point. Sweeney has killed one of his enemies for the first time and how to get ride of the body? Mrs. Lovett’s pie shop success and yearning for more success, which influences her concealment of Lucy, push forward the story. Tobias is present in both the musical and movie as an assistant to Pirelli and then Mrs. Lovett. Though his importance is not until the very end of the show. It is he who kills Sweeney Todd and ultimately he is blamed for the deaths of Lucy, Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd. While he is present in almost all of the same scenes in the musical and movie is love for Mrs. Lovett is not as developed in the movie as it is in the musical. The musical present Toby as caring deeply for Mrs. Lovett and having a distrust of Sweeney Todd. Toby is seen in the movie but his presence is of little importance. He is there to eventually kill Todd and the majority of his time spent in the bake house was cut completely. These are the characters in the musical and movie of Sweeney Todd. The movie main plot line of both the film and musical is on Sweeney Todd’s story, with Mrs. Lovett being a significant contributor to his story. The musical displays the secondary characters with more story, songs and background. This exposure results in characters that truly influence Sweeny Todd and we care that Anthony and Joanna are the only ones to survive. The audience is reviled at the Judge and his desire to wed Joanna. The audience is not shocked at the beggar woman’s death until we realize she is Todd’s wife because she very insane. The movie is a convenient and less expense way to experience Sweeny Todd but the musical present all of the characters and a wonderful round story that ties up all the loose ends and stresses the importance of each character. References: BBC- Press Office, December 8, 2005, Man or Myth, the Making of Sweeney Todd, BBC. co. uk, accessed April 18, 2008,

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